AV Systems

Today’s children are known as digital natives because they are the first generation to have never known a world without laptops, smartphones, iPads, the internet and APPS.

By introducing technology into the classroom, teachers can engage with these unique learning tools and as a result, increase learning retention among their students.

Here are some of the top benefits of teaching with an interactive projector.

Interactive Presentations Increase Student Engagement

It is a lot easier to focus on the task at hand when you are actively part of it.

With an interactive projector, students can draw on the screen allowing them to work together in front of the class.

Interactive projectors also make things easier for students by allowing them to ask questions to explore the topic. For example, if you are discussing a city, you can bring it up on Google Earth. You can also do some research online as a group if you discover that your students need a bit of help with understanding a part of your presentation.

As a result, an interactive projector can be invaluable for increasing student participant. Watch videos together, take online quizzes or research information online about the topic of the presentation and increase understanding and knowledge retention.

Better Note-Taking

It can be difficult for students to concentrate on listening and note-taking at the same time.

By showing presentations and information via an interactive projector, you can share notes digitally at the end of each lesson. This show students that you’ve covered the tedious task of taking notes so that they can spend more time focusing on listening to what you have to say and only writing down the things that they believe are specifically helpful to them.

It can also avoid students incorrectly writing notes, which is particularly important when you are covering new subjects and topics so that it everyone has the same, correct information to reference.

Gamify Your Lessons

Social networks, the internet and smartphone technology have increased the popularity of games. For teachers, you can use this to your advantage by using your interactive projector to work through educational puzzles with students. Use these games as a fun way to end a lesson or as a quiz. You can use table-top projection or wall projection to get students to get directly involved.

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AV Media Systems supplies professional audio-visual equipment to deliver the optimal communications environment. Contact us today on 1300 302 884 or email sean@avsystems.com.au to request further information or a quote on our customised services.

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